• Michael A. Cremo is a research associate of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, which specializes in the history and philosophy of science, and is the co-author, with Richard L. Thompson, of Forbidden Archeology, published in 1993. Cremo has presented controversial papers on extreme human antiquity at mainstream scientific conferences on archeology and science studies, as well as at alternative science gatherings such as the 1995 Ancient Astronaut Society World Co nference in Bern, Switzerland. A frequent guest on radio and television programs, he sees a need for anomalists to cross intellectual boundaries and communicate with scholars and the general public by all means possible. His e-mail address is michael.crem

  • Larry Dossey, M.D., is the former Chief of Staff of Humana Medical City Dallas, and is presently the executive editor of Alternative Therapies. He is also the author of several books: Space, Time and Medicin e; Recovering the Soul, Meaning & Medicine, and most recently, Healing Words.

  • Betty Eisner, Ph.D., who for many years emploed druf potentiated psychotherapy, was the first therapist on the West Coast to use LSD in psychotherapy. She is the author of numerous articles and several books.

  • Michael Grosso, Ph.D. Columbia University, is an artist, philosopher, and psychic explorer, whose work is about mapping the multiple ways to liberate human potential. He has been on the faculties of City University of New York, Kennedy University, Marymount Manhattan college, and Jersey City State College. He is the author of The Final Choice, Soulmaker, Frontiers of the Soul, and the recent Millennium Myth. His article, "The Anomalies of Death: Explor ing the 'Next' World Now," appeared in The Anomalist: 3 (Winter 1995/96).

  • Robert Irving has taken photos for Interview, LA Style, New Scientist, Fortean Times and others; held exhibitions at the Photographers Gallery and The South Bank, London, the Canon galleries in San Francisco a nd Los Angeles, and others; taught Platinum/Palladium printing at the Royal Photographic Society, Bath; had his work featured in the occasional film (a painting, for instance, in The Presidio); made some crop circles; and currently enjoys writing a rticles and research (Independent, FT, BBC, others). His E-mail address is

  • Montague Keen is a journalist specializing in international farming affairs. An editor of agricultural journals for nearly 25 years, he has farmed in East Anglia, England, since 1971. For twelve years he was head of the parliamentary and legal department of Britain's most influential lobby, the National Farmers Union. More recently he spent three years as scientific adviser to the Centre for Crop Circle Studies, and currently serves as honorable media relations offic er of the Society for Psychical Research. He can be reached in writing at School Barn Farm, Pentlow, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 7JN, UK, or by fax at 01787 280395.

  • Gary S. Mangiacopra is an active cryptozoological researcher. He holds a Masters degree in biology from Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven. He is currently working on two book manuscripts dealin g with unknown aquatic animals; one on sea-serpents of the world's seas, the other on their counterparts in the freshwater lakes of the North American continent.

  • Steve Mizrach is a doctoral candidate in cultural anthropology at the University of Florida. His research focuses on such diverse topics as altered states of consciousness, technology and transgression, youth subcult ures, cyberculture, and the computer underground. His dissertation project focuses on the use of hypermedia and nonlinear digital video within the framework of the "mythopoeic consciousness" of Native American peoples. While largely unpublished in the aca demic press, Mizrach (aka Seeker1) makes his more off-beat memes primarily available through 'zines such as Crash Collusion, Fringeware Review, ELF Infested Spaces, the INFO Journal, and the late Pebbles. Those interested in cyber-an thropology, or forteana, noetics, and electronic activism, might want to visit his homepage at

  • Colonel Hector J. Quintanilla was the last director of the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book, officially known as the Aerial Phenomena group and headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. H e succeeded then Major Robert J. Friend in command in August of 1963, and continued as director of Blue Book until the latter's closing on December 17, 1969. Quintanilla retired as a Colonel and now makes his home in San Antonio, Texas. His article in The Anomalist 4, "Project Blue Book's Last Days," is excerpted from his unpublished memoirs, UFOs, An Air Force Dilemma.

  • Michel Raynal was born in Narbonne, France. He attended the Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc in Montpellier where he studied biology and chemistry. After graduation, he worked as a physics and chemi stry technician, then as a biochemist, and finally, at his current job as a senior manager at France Telecom (a global telecommunications network). For a number of years, Raynal has been a major cryptozoological contributor to several international public ations, having authored approximately thirty articles, half of which have been in French, the other half, in English.

  • Paul Schlyter is a software developer in Stockholm, Sweden. His passion for astronomy dates back to 1963. Since 1984 he has published a yearly Swedish astronomical almanac. His interest in the myths and lore that oft en surround astronomy led him to research the idea that the Earth may have another natural satellite besides the Moon. Schlyter's work is available on the Web at . He may be reached by email at

  • Harry Trumbore was once an editor of paranormal and mystical books. He then worked at a literary agency for a time before turning to his present career as an illustrator. To date he has illustrated more than twenty books for both children and adults, including the The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials (Avon Books) by Patrick Huyghe.

  • The prodigiously prolific Colin Wilson needs no introduction. He is the author of The Outsider, Religion and the rebel, The Occult, Mysteries, and The New Existentialism, to name but a very few. Besides a shelf of novels that includes The Mind Parasites and Space Vampires, he has also wrritten biographies of Strindberg, Rasputin, Gurdjieff, Aleister crowley, Wilhelm Reich, C.G. Jung and others. "An Egyptian State of Mind" is an excerpt from his most recent book, From Atlantis to the Sphinx, scheduled to be published in England later this year. He lives in Cornwall, England, from where he eschews E-mail.

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